12 August 2012


So I leave for college this coming Friday. So crazy, my gosh. As time gets shorter and the days closer, I'm experiencing a lot of lasts. My last Disciple Now (youth group retreat), my last Sunday at the church I've grown up both physically and spiritually the last fourteen years, my last youth event as a student. But the awesome and encouraging thing is it isn't goodbye, merely see you later.

This is just a new chapter of my life.
I think I'm ready.

02 August 2012

How Great He Is

Goodness I can't get over how much Jesus STILL loves me when I'm frustrated and covered in sin and don't make the time to sit and talk with Him. That He STILL pursues me and woos me to His presence. That I can still be Confident and Radiant and WHOLE in His presence. Man, there is so greater God and I can't even comprehend great his love is for ME. Thank you Jesus.

Mmmm to rest in His presence is more delightful than anything of this world.